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Available in different sizes.", "aggregateRating": { "@type": "AggregateRating", "ratingValue": 1, "reviewCount": 1, "itemReviewed": 0 } } , { "@type": "Product", "position": 13, "name": "Elnett Satin - Flexibel Fixatie Haarlak - 200ml", "description": "✓ Sterke fixatie<br /> ✓ Plakt niet<br /> ✓ Zijdezacht en glanzend haar", "aggregateRating": { "@type": "AggregateRating", "ratingValue": 1,5, "reviewCount": 2 } } , { "@type": "Product", "position": 14, "name": "Elnett Satin - Sterke Fixatie Haarlak - 200ml", "description": "✓ Micro Verstuiving Styling Spray", "aggregateRating": { "@type": "AggregateRating", "ratingValue": 4, "reviewCount": 1 } } , { "@type": "Product", "position": 15, "name": "Dry Hair Haarspray", "description": " ✓ Houdt je kapsel volkomen natuurlijk in model <br /> ✓ Beschermt het haar tegen vochtigheid <br /> ✓ Laat zich gemakkelijk door borstelen verwijderen <br/><br /> ", "aggregateRating": { "@type": "AggregateRating", "ratingValue": 1, "reviewCount": 1, "itemReviewed": 0 } } , { "@type": "Product", "position": 16, "name": "Elnett Satin Lumize Haarspray", "description": " ✓ Ultra sterke fixatie <br /> ✓ Langdurige glans in het haar <br /> ✓ Beschermt het haar tegen vochtigheid <br/>✓ Laat zich gemakkelijk door borstelen verwijderen <br/>", "aggregateRating": { "@type": "AggregateRating", "ratingValue": 1, "reviewCount": 1, "itemReviewed": 0 } } , { "@type": "Product", "position": 17, "name": "Elnett Satin heat defense spray glad", "description": " ✓ Beschermt het haar tegen agressies van warmteapparaten tot 230°C <br /> ✓ Bestrijdt vocht en pluizig haar <br/>", "aggregateRating": { "@type": "AggregateRating", "ratingValue": 4, "reviewCount": 2 } } , { "@type": "Product", "position": 18, "name": "Elnett Satin volume haarspray 200ml", "description": "✓ Langdurig volume <br /> ✓ Beschermt het haar tegen vochtigheid <br /> ✓ Laat zich makkelijk door borstelen verwijderen <br/>", "aggregateRating": { "@type": "AggregateRating", "ratingValue": 1, "reviewCount": 1, "itemReviewed": 0 } } ] } { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "BreadcrumbList", "itemListElement": [ { "@type":"ListItem", "position": 1, "item": { "@id": "/", "name": "home" } } , { "@type":"ListItem", "position": 2, "item": { "@id": "https://www.loreal-paris.be/nl-be/haar", "name": "Haar" } } , { "@type":"ListItem", "position": 3, "item": { "@id": "https://www.loreal-paris.be/nl-be/haar/haarstyling", "name": "Haarstylingproducten" } } , { "@type":"ListItem", "position": 4, "item": { "@id": "https://www.loreal-paris.be/nl-be/haarstyling/elnett", "name": "Elnett" } } ] }